Hello, I'm Kirune Biscuits. I'm chubby and very cool, like the garfield cat. Here's my animal people.
And here's where you can find me.

These buttons lead to special pages for my stream.

it's not only me and the music

all the music i play on stream is provided by these incredible indie artists.
show them some love, their music makes the best moments of my stream all the richer.
glass beach - plastic death
SCRO - like it used to EP | heart
ff00ff - what it's like
hellstar.plus - GIRL MODE
Vylet Pony - CUTIEMARKS (and the things that bind us) | Girls Who Are Wizards
TV Girl - French Exit | Who Really Cares | Death of a Party Girl
nightlife - new low | fallback | face2face | strangeluv
LAKE - Let's Build a Roof | Roundelay
Brain Vacation - Old Feelings
Plasma Cutter - Genesis Dream | Summer Vacation | βš”βš—πŸ’ŽπŸ«–πŸŒΈπŸ“œπŸΊπŸŽΆ
kendall :3 | hey
deerxing - sutured self
ida deerz - idaidaida II
Aural Alliance - Best of Year 1
rolobi - UNDO UNDO
special thanks to glass beach, the first band to say yes, without their simple confirmation i definitely would have lost all confidence instantly and went with a streaming music service

long live everyone who helped

besides my most precious subscribers, the following people make my stream possible.every artist who ever lent me their music to show off on-streamburdrehnar - futonmania "Fat Loaf" emotefutonmania - most emotes, Jacque PNGtuber, Futonmania PNGtuber, phone UI model, every dumb spur-of-the-moment idea i've ever hadwolfsatyr - Background and Prop art for the NEPETALACTUNES!!! set, headpats redeem art, soooo much inspiring fanart, undying support

stream game history

some day i'll fill this out lol

the stuff i'm playing


the stuff i've finished


the stuff i've abandoned


stream media history

the stuff we loved


the stuff we tolerated


the stuff we despised


all listed in order of enjoyedness


so, there's this site called retroachievements that creates achievements for retro games. i'm pretty good at games. so good i might as well not bother, because i could get any of them with no problem. what, don't believe me?then sacrifice $15 on my altar and i'll spend up to 30 minutes hunting any retro achievement you want. whether it's a beloved classic or some of the worst dogshit ever! $15 for 30 minutes!click here to submit a bounty!


what achievements do you have already?
check my retroachievements profile!
when will you hunt my bounty?
i'll probably do these in batches, or i might do one a day. either way, i won't hunt your bounty until i see you in chat so you don't miss seeing it!
when do you start the timer?
i'll start the timer when i start the game. i'll play whatever savefile i have for that game already. if you're sending me after an endgame achievement, it might take multiple bounty attempts! think of this more like making me play your game of choice for 30 mins.

the fursonas are here


Kirune is my fursona. They're me! Well, me circa 2012, when I made them. I'd update their look to match mine- as I have evolved- buuuut I kinda love them as they are.

Kirune (beta)

This is my first fursona, holy moly!! Look at him, he's incredible. The default fox character everybody starts with, but I put heterophobia in his eyes, and lit him on fire. Most of this stuff is gift art bc I was very poor and young back then!!

Otto (torso) and Iggi (legs)

Otto and Iggi run a bookshop and cafe! They gotta co-operate to make their weird body work, which is real hard because Iggi's a psychic prankster and Otto works tirelessly to make sure their customers leave with most of the mind they came with. Cheer up, Otto, it's just a bit of fun!


Pact is my boyfriendsona, he's BBFFs (best boyfriends forever) with my boyfriend's boyfriendsona, Truce, the chubby one in that snuggle pic up there. It makes sense when you think about it.


Jacque "Jac" Strappe can be found loitering outside your local gas station. If you fashion an altar and keep an offering of hi-chew or mushroom jerky upon it daily, he'll arrive to crash on your couch. Previous hosts say the sound of him laughing at tiktoks played at max volume on his phone works as a sleep aid.